I forgot my login username or password, how do I reset it?
Forgot your login?
If you can’t remember or don’t know your username or password for your MonitorBase Account, no worries! From the MonitorBase homepage click on the “Login” button in the top right corner of the site.
If you don’t know your password, click on the “Forgot password".
This will bring up the following Page.
If you’re trying to reset your password you will receive an email from MonitorBase Support titled: “Reset Password Notification”, the email will look similar to the example below:
Click the “Reset Password” button, the page shown below will open in a new tab. Enter your email into the field titled “Your Email Address”, this should be the same email you entered earlier. Enter your new password into the “Password” field and re-enter it into the “Confirm Password” field. Make sure your new password matches the criteria specified under where it says “Password Rules”. Once you’re done simply click the “Reset Password” button.
If you’re trying to recover your username you will receive an email from MonitorBase Support titled: “MonitorBase Username”, the email will look similar to the example below:
Your username will be included in bold where it says “Your MonitorBase username is “.
Activation email expired?
If you received an activation email earlier from MonitorBase but never activated your account, the activation email may have expired. Click here to request a new activation email be sent to you.
Not sure if you have an account yet?
If you aren't sure if you have set up an account, talk to sales or request an account be set up.